WP4: Data Storage & Sharing
Data Storage and Sharing
The data management platform includes design, establishment and implementation of cloud-based data storage solutions and cutting-edge web-based data sharing applications running on GIS-based visualizations tools.
We are responsible for up-to date data management and ensuring that SeaBee responds to national regulations and recommendations on data policy (RCN 2017).
Design & Methods
SeaBee will develop and establish a cloud database for storage of raw, processed and metadata using appropriate and scalable database solutions to ensure fast and efficient data access.
A “cloud agnostic” solution based on existing technologies, with UNINETT/Sigma2 as the hosting provider, will ensure a cost-efficient and validated technical solution for safe and long-term data storage, sufficient to manage large amounts of data, as envisioned being produced by the infrastructure.
Approximately 50 to 100 TB of data is expected within year 1 to 5, and up to 500 TB after 10 years.
Using novel Application Programming Interface (API) technology, data will be shared openly and free of charge. API technology facilitate integration with third party solutions. A user-friendly front-end portal will enable interactive search, discovery and downloading functions of SeaBee cloud-based data sharing.
Lead: NIVA
The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) is Norway’s leading institute for fundamental and applied research on marine and freshwaters. Our research comprises a wide array of environmental, climatic and resource-related fields. NIVA’s world-class expertise is multidisciplinary with a broad scientific scope. We combine research, monitoring, evaluation, problem-solving and advisory services at international, national and local levels.
Kristoffer Kalbekken, NIVA. Data management platform that includes design, establishment and implementation of cloud-based data storage solutions and cutting-edge web-based data sharing applications running on GIS-based visualizations tools. The Work Package will take responsibilities for up-to-date data management and ensure that SeaBee responds to national regulations and recommendations on data policy (RCN 2017).