Annual Meeting 2023 – From outcomes to impact
admin | October 30th, 2023 | Stories
All partners and industry partners met in Bergen for the SeaBee Annual Meeting (25 – 27th October, 2023) to update and discuss the year’s progress in delivering the SeaBee Research Infrastructure.
SeaBee aims to create a cohesive national infrastructure, enabling sharing and use of data, collected by state-of-the-art drones and technology, to better understand Norway’s natural environment. This was the fourth Annual Meeting.
Main outcomes
During the Annual Meeting, SeaBee partners shared the progress that happened in 2023:
- New expert pilots trained in latest certification requirements
- Two state-of-art drones and new sensors purchased
- Different models built for annotation and processing the drone images, and tested using field examples
- SeaBee Data Pipeline implemented for processing and visualising results and found to work well
- New methods and techniques validated through in-situ tests in the different SeaBee applications
- Began paving the way for a SeaBee2…
What happens next?
We received valuable input and feedback and SeaBee has some clear focus areas for the coming year. Building impact through applications and use by decision-makers in Norway will be highlighted in 2024, as will sustainability of the infrastructure in the future.
For more information on SeaBee Research Infrastructure visit, or follow us on LinkedIn: SeaBee Research Infrastructure.