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SeaBee Otter in Svalbard

SeaBee’s Otter surface drone used in Arctic fieldwork

Two unmanned autonomous vehicles, one of which is named Apherusa and the other Otter, made by Maritime Robotics. Photo: Asgeir J. Sørensen/NTNU

Full story on Norwegian SciTech News.

This May, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) researchers from AMOS (Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems) used innovative technology, including one of SeaBee Norway’s Otters to study marine life in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard.

The Otter Unmanned Surface Vehicle from Maritime Robotics, can carry a variety of sensors for seabed and environmental mapping. The drone floats on the surface of a body of water and collects data directly using a hyperspectral camera. The Otter’s direct approach is important when it comes to comparing and interpreting drone data recorded from the air.

About SeaBee & WP 2

SeaBee’s Work Package 2 facilitates the up-to-date training of drone pilots, secure registration practices and legislation, producing safe operation protocols and emergency manual procedures. This Work Package ensures the calibration and testing of SeaBee’s drones and sensors, as well as manage maintenance to secure operation-ready equipment at all times.

Find out more about our Otters and the SeaBee project’s technology.

Geir Johnsen, professor of marine biology and SeaBee WP 2 member, with a SeaBee Otter. The Otter is equipped with a hyperspectral camera that can scan the ocean. Photo: Asgeir J. Sørensen/NTNU